Tantric & Shadow Tantric Massage

Embrace the pleasure of your light and dark desires

Welcome to Kindred Tantra

A Sanctuary for Pleasure and Empowerment

Indulge in pleasure and self-discovery at Kindred Tantra located in Glasgows Southside, exclusively for women including trans women and non-binary AFAB individuals. Explore the light and dark aspects of your pleasure through Tantric Massage and Shadow Tantric Massage (a nuanced exploration of Tantra & BDSM). Your journey to self-love and empowerment begins here. Book Your Session and celebrate the convergence of pleasure through your light and shadow.

Meet your guide - Hama

Glasgow Tantric Massage Therapist

Our offerings To Your Pleasure

Tantric Massage
Shadow Tantric Massage

Flexible Pricing

We believe that everyone in our community should have access to our services, which is why we offer flexible pricing to meet different budgets.

Our goal is to make our services accessible to all, regardless of their financial situation. If our prices are outwith your budget then please get in touch with us (using the Contact form below) so we can explore options with you. We’re here to support our community in any way we can!

Use the Contact form below to get in touch or Book Now to schedule your first session.

Feeling Curious?

You are bound to have some questions be it about Tantra or perhaps your curious about certain kinks and if they can be incorporated into your experience or maybe you want to discuss our Flexible Pricing? What ever it is you can use our form below to get in touch.